New Life Village Residency Requirements
Foster, adoptive and kinship families who are providing children a path to permanency are eligible to live at New Life Village. Our Village offers children a safe and stable place where there is no stigma associated with being raised by someone other than their biological parents. A place where, through familial and communal support, children can heal and thrive.
Families applying for residency at New Life Village must be either fostering child(ren) with a willingness to adopt (must already be licensed), in the process of or have already adopted a child in your care or be a kinship placement.
Families beginning the adoption process must have completed orientation and have registered with an adoption agency and completed required trainings before moving to New Life Village. Fostering families must have a placement prior to the expiration of their first lease as a criteria for lease renewal.
Applicants must also:
- Meet the mission criteria
- Pass a credit report and level II background check
- Income qualify
- Agree to complete mission-focused service requirements
- Demonstrate compassion and commitment to the Village’s mission

Senior Residents
Seniors 55 and older are invited to live at New Life Village and serve as surrogate grandparents, tutors, mentors, extended family and friends to our Village families. Seniors who live here participate in the Village’s Intergenerational Community. Senior applicants must:
- Meet the mission criteria
- Pass a Level II background check
- Be able to live independently
- Have a demonstrated record of volunteerism
- Complete required monthly mission-focused volunteer activities
- Demonstrate compassion and commitment to the Village’s mission
Steps to Apply
- Make an appointment to tour NLV with Annie Hammond.
- Submit completed application and fees
- Complete credit report
- Pass a Level II background check
- Complete annual income certification processes
- Sign lease and move in

Resident Testimonials
“As a senior, to live in New Life Village is like being offered a chance to remain “young forever.” The contact with families and young children is a joyful challenge with many unexpected rewards. When I first came here, I had no idea what to expect. I have since discovered a caring loving community intent on giving the best of themselves to make the dream come true.”
Marie, Senior Resident
“As an adoptive family, New Life Village has been a remarkable source of community and connection. Whether it’s neighbors helping each other or staff working diligently to connect families with support services, residing at New Life Village has been integral in maintaining stability for my family. We are grateful for all the Village has to offer and proud to be able to serve others!”
Thomas Family